Smartphone brand OnePlus has launched its new phone OnePlus Ace Pro. However, the company has introduced it in the domestic market itself. This phone was earlier launched on 3 August. OnePlus Ace Pro has a 6.7 -inch AMOLED display and Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen 1 processor. The phone comes with Android v12 based ColorOS v12.1, it has LPDDR5 RAM up to 16 GB and UFS 3.1 storage up to 512 GB. Let's know about other specifications, features, and price of this phone: Price of OnePlus Ace Pro OnePlus Ace Pro has been introduced in black and green color options. The price of 256 GB storage with 12 GB RAM on this phone is 3,499 yuan (about Rs 41,228). At the same time, 256 GB storage variant with 12 GB RAM is priced at 3,799 yuan (about Rs 44,763) and 512 GB storage variant with 16 GB RAM is priced at 4,299 yuan (about Rs 50,658). OnePlus Ace Pro Specifications OnePlus Ace Pro offers a 6.7 -inch Full HD Plus AMOLTER display, which (has 2412x1080 pixels) resolution, 394 PPI, and 120Hz r...